You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Orange county in Florida, United States.
There are 887 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 881 to 887
Go to page 1 Go to page 44 Page 45 of 45
Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
103657Click to match with #103657
Apr 21, 2002UnknownUnknownFloridaMaleRead details of adoption record #103657 in Florida family reunion registryView
98342Click to match with #98342
May 2, 2002UnknownUnknownFloridaMaleAccess adoption record #98342 in Florida family reunion registryView
103624Click to match with #103624
Feb 24, 2003UnknownUnknownFloridaMaleAccess adoption record #103624 in Florida family reunion registryView
110007Click to match with #110007
May 16, 2003UnknownUnknownFloridaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
105635Click to match with #105635
Aug 27, 2003OrlandoOrangeFloridaFemaleRead details of adoption listing #105635 in Florida family reunion registryView
110073Click to match with #110073
Mar 18, 2005OrlandoOrangeFloridaMaleView adoption listing #110073 in Florida family reunion registryView
111289Click to match with #111289
Oct 12, 2005OrlandoOrangeFloridaFemaleOpen adoption listing #111289 in Florida family reunion registryView
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