You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Victoria, Australia.
There are 16 records that match your search criteria.
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
33504Click to match with #33504
UnknownUnknownUnknownVictoriaUnknownOpen adoption listing #33504 in Victoria family reunion registryView
108481Click to match with #108481
Jul 2, 1926UnknownUnknownVictoriaMaleRead details of adoption listing #108481 in Victoria family reunion registryView
109360Click to match with #109360
Mar 1934UnknownUnknownVictoriaMaleOpen adoption listing #109360 in Victoria family reunion registryView
107228Click to match with #107228
1945UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleOpen adoption record #107228 in Victoria family reunion registryView
7380Click to match with #7380
Jun 6, 1945UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
86649Click to match with #86649
Sep 1952UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
85080Click to match with #85080
Mar 2, 1964UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleOpen adoption record #85080 in Victoria family reunion registryView
13112Click to match with #13112
Aug 30, 1966UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleOpen adoption record #13112 in Victoria family reunion registryView
39809Click to match with #39809
Jun 7, 1969UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
108188Click to match with #108188
Oct 4, 1971UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleAccess adoption listing #108188 in Victoria family reunion registryView
19134Click to match with #19134
Dec 9, 1979UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleAccess adoption listing #19134 in Victoria family reunion registryView
107285Click to match with #107285
Apr 10, 1980UnknownUnknownVictoriaMaleOpen adoption listing #107285 in Victoria family reunion registryView
107211Click to match with #107211
Feb 14, 1981UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleOpen adoption listing #107211 in Victoria family reunion registryView
12625Click to match with #12625
May 20, 1985UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
12925Click to match with #12925
May 20, 1985UnknownUnknownVictoriaFemaleAccess adoption record #12925 in Victoria family reunion registryView
94997Click to match with #94997
Oct 25, 1986UnknownUnknownVictoriaMaleRead details of adoption record #94997 in Victoria family reunion registryView
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