
Registrant Frances Dobbins is a member of the birth family looking for adoptee. The adoptee was born in Massachusetts on March 19th. She was born Gianna Marie Mosillo to 21 year old birthmother Angela Marie Mosillo (maiden name Mosillo).

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Massachusetts Adoption Record: # 107504

Other Birth Family looking for Adoptee
Frances Dobbins

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Gianna Marie Mosillo
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: Mar 19
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Unknown city, Unknown county, Massachusetts USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Angela Marie Mosillo (Mosillo)
Born: Aug 8, 1987 (now 36 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 21
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Geoffrey Spencer Dobbins
Born: Jun 4, 1988 (now 36 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 20
Religion: Christian

Born at Hospital:
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency:

Additional Info
This is the Paternal Grandmother Frances Dobbins, and I am actively searching for my Granddaughter, Gianna Marie Mosillo. Gianna was placed in care of state of Massachusetts during timeframe between late 2009-2010. After the parental right's of her birth Mother, Angela Mosillo, were terminated by state, Gianna was adopted. \\nGianna's biological Father, Geoffrey Dobbins, was my son. He died in Lakeland, Florida on August 24, 2008. As this was before Gianna was born, any right's in the legal matters of her placement were not considered by court in Massachusetts. Geoffrey Dobbins family members were not allowed to be a party to the legal matters concerning Gianna Marie Mosillo. Our family was denied all legal consideration by the court wherein Gianna Marie was concerned. As such, we werent even considered for Gianna Marie to be legally placed in the care of myself, being her birth Paternal Grandmother, nor with any one of our family members. She was placed by court for adoption with someone she did not know, nor have we ever known. We were told she was placed with a nurse who lived in Massachusetts, and that she was who the court gave the right to adopt Gianna. We are seeking to locate and re-establish a relationship with Gianna Marie, whom we have always loved, cared about, and continue to miss with each new day. Our family resides in Lakeland, Florida. Our phone number's are (863)614-3583 , (518)412-2231\\n and (863)934-4735. We are prayerfully awaiting the moment we are able to have contact with Gianna once more, and to begin rebuilding our familial relationship's with her. Thankyou for helping with our effort's to locate and re-establish contact with our beloved Gianna Marie. - \n Frances Dobbins (Gianna's Grandmother)

Registered: March 28, 2022

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