
Registrant Michelle Davis - Kilpatrick is a birth mother looking for her son. The adoptee was born in South Carolina in 1994 on November 21st. He was born Christian Bradley Davis in Anderson in Anderson County to 20 year old birthmother Michelle Linda Kilpatrick (maiden name Davis ). Private Attorney -- Led by Shiprah handled the adoption. His adoptive name became Steven Hanley Unknown.

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South Carolina Adoption Record: # 19409

Birth Mother looking for Adoptee
Michelle Davis - Kilpatrick

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Christian Bradley Davis
Adoptive Name: Steven Hanley Unknown
Date of Birth: Nov 21, 1994 (now 29 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Anderson city, Anderson county, South Carolina USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Michelle Linda Kilpatrick (Davis )
Born: Aug 6, 1974 (now 49 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 20
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital:
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Private Attorney -- Led by Shiprah

Additional Info
I was 20 years old at the time of birth. My full name was Linda MIchelle Davis. I am Caucasian and his birthfather is african american. HIs birthfather couldn't be located and did not know about him. At that time, I lived in a home for unwed mothers called Shiprah Ministries in Belton, SC. The home helped facilitate the adoption by allowing me to view profiles of families and meet/interview portential parents. The agreement was that we would stay in touch for (1) year after birth through Shiprah. I was told their names were Beth and Bruce, but I wasn't given a last name. I believe he was a college professer and she was a school teacher as well. Beth, Bruce and myself communicated for several months through phone calls and letters prior to Christians birth. It's my understanding their home was in Illinois. Unsure of City. After giving birth, I was able to spend (3) days with Christian. I have many photos of us together. I sent many things with him to take home. One thing that stands out in my memory is the blanket I crotcheted him. It was mint green and peach. ld they couldn't have their own children and felt God leading them specifically to adopt bi-racial children b/c there were so many children needing homes and not enough adoptive parents. They had already adopted one child and his name was Michael. He was maybe 5-7 years old whey they took Christian home. For the first year of my son's like Beth/Bruce sent me letters with updates about his progress along with pictures. He was absolutley beautiful. They changed his name to 'Steven Hanley _______'. They told me the name was chosen specifically in my honor b/c of my god given musical talent and love for classical music. I feel like I'm leaving so much out, but I'm stopping for now. I pray that this information will help to narrow down the field should you be looking for me Son. I never stopped missing you, loving you or grieving the loss and pain I felt the day I let you go. I love you.

Registered: April 4, 2012

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