
Registrant LeAnna Hitchins is an adoptee looking for any of her birth family. The adoptee was born in Maryland in 1988 on July 2nd. She was born Anna Leigh? Marie Wagner in Anne Arundel County to birthmother Joyce Wagner (maiden name Wagner? Saw A Logica). Her adoptive name became LeAnna M Hitchins.

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Maryland Adoption Record: # 40809

Adoptee looking for Any Birth Family
LeAnna Hitchins

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Anna Leigh? Marie Wagner
Adoptive Name: LeAnna M Hitchins
Date of Birth: Jul 2, 1988 (now 35 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Unknown city, Anne Arundel county, Maryland USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Joyce Wagner (Wagner? Saw A Logica)
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital:
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency:

Additional Info
Let's cover what I have been told is fact thus far: I was my mother's 7th child. I was put in emergency foster care at 10 months old, after being found neglected at a group home in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. My mother was showing potential signs of mental illness and/or drug use. Her mother had adopted the first two or three of my siblings. My adoption was closed and I've never been provided any family medical history or conditions to look out for. I'm relativity certain that there may have been an 8th child following myself. I do not believe I share a father with most, or potentially any of my siblings. My name was changed in my adoption. It was something like Anale, Anna Lee, Annaleigh. It was also suggested that my father wanted to keep me, but was either convinced by my parents and CPS that I would be better off, or turned CPS down when they alerted him that they would need to inspect his home to ensure his home was safe.

I'm 28 years old, high IQ-coupled with ADHD, 5'5', athletic to thin build with a high metabolism, light brown hair with blonde (practically invisible) eyebrows that I fill in, green eyes that change colors, contacts or glasses at all times, light skinned, high cheek bones. Many people suggest I look Eastern European. I will try to update this after speaking to a geneticist.

I am searching for my siblings. I have always felt an amazing energy pulling me all sorts of directions my entire life. I could never explain where it came from or what it was. Most of my life I had no interest in finding my mother and father, as I was very blessed with my adoptive parents and have experienced a wonderful life of opportunities. But something was always missing despite my solace and acceptance that I would never meet them. Now that I know that there are 8 other people that I share a mother with, I finally understand where the feeling came from.

I would love to just know their names and maybe see a picture or two. Find out if I have any nieces or nephews, or more likely, how many nieces and nephews! Just the knowledge of it would bring me great peace and joy. But it would also be extremely helpful to know the family's medical history if nothing else.

I understand that many people do not want to disturb their lives and wish to remain private. I understand that the first two or three siblings may not know about the rest of us and that our grandmother did everything she could to protect them from the truth, or our mother. Or maybe there are some that could have also been adopted and don't know they're adopted at all. I had wonderfully honest parents and still didn't know until now. There are so many facets and different stories I would love to hear and discover! I mean, for one, it's quite impressive and incredible that our mother gave birth to eight people! That is one fertile lady!

But based on the tiniest sliver of chance and hope that I'm not the only one searching... here I am. One of my life's most important journeys has just begun to unfurl. I have many goals I aspire to in my life, but none is more strongly rooted in my soul. Lying dormant and misunderstood my entire life, only to have it make so much more sense why I feel the way I do sometimes. We are connected! Not only do I have a bloodline I'd like to understand, but I have a potentially huge, amazing family!

If you're out there, if you knew the 2 or 3 'Wagner' (or whatever it may be) kids down the street with the crazy lady for a mom (or maybe she was just an addict) that were raised by their grandmother, or even if this just sort of sounds similar to your situation, I'd love to hear about it. Any information helps. As I mentioned, I'm merely searching for answers, maybe even a picture if that's all anyone wants to muster. Now I know you're out there. I don't care about your past, or if it's sordid. I struggled for many years throughout adolescence, and early adulthood. I'm not here to judge anyone for any reason. All I know is that you exist and I will keep searching until the day that I die if I have to. To meet, or have a conversation with just one of my brothers or sisters would be one of the most phenomenal moments for me. I hope you feel the same. I look forward to this journey and I hope it ends with all of your smiling faces. Much love.

Registered: July 21, 2016

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