
Registrant Kristen Krick is a birth mother looking for her son. The adoptee was born in Georgia in 1987 on May 13th. He was born Christopher Andrew Krick in Atlanta in Fulton County to 21 year old birthmother Kristen Anne Krick. Families First Atlanta,Ga handled the adoption. His adoptive name became Christopher.

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Georgia Adoption Record: # 87906

Birth Mother looking for Adoptee
Kristen Krick

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Christopher Andrew Krick
Adoptive Name: Christopher
Date of Birth: May 13, 1987 at 7:45or 8:45pm n (now 36 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Atlanta city, Fulton county, Georgia USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Kristen Anne Krick
Born: May 4, 1966 (now 58 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 21
Religion: Catholic

Birthfather's Info
Name: Birth Father Un
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Grady Memorial Hospital
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Families First Atlanta,Ga

Additional Info
Hello, I'm a birth mother diligently searching for my birth son since 2005. His full name at birth was Christopher Andrew Krick. Today he would be 31. You were born on May 13, 1987 at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Ga Fulton County. Weight was approximately 7 pounds 5 ounces. Doctors performed a C-Section since you were breech birth (feet first). Families First in Atlanta,Ga handled the adoption in their office. It took place within your first year. You were in foster care only a short time. A woman by the name of Mrs. Ward cared for you. I believe your adoption took place sometime during the months of September-December 1987. I also know your adoptive family was faith based (maybe Baptist). I'm pretty sure your adopted parents kept Christopher as your first name. I'm keeping the faith and praying this site can help me end my search and find my birth son. You are in my thoughts everyday Christopher and always in my heart! I love you and pray you have had a happy childhood. The search has had its challenges but I WON'T give up. The happiest day of my life will be when we connect and I can tell you how much I have ALWAYS loved you.

Registered: October 1, 2018
Updated: October 7, 2018

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