
Registrant Monica Wells is an adoptee's spouse looking for birth mother. The adoptee was born in Indiana in 1981 in January. He was born Unknown Unknown Unknown in Indianapolis in Marion County. Kokomo Indiana handled the adoption. His adoptive name became Private Private Private.

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Indiana Adoption Record: # 85319

Adoptee's Spouse looking for Birth Mother
Monica Wells

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Unknown Unknown Unknown
Adoptive Name: Private Private Private
Date of Birth: Jan 1981 (now 43 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Indianapolis city, Marion county, Indiana USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital:
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Kokomo Indiana

Additional Info
Birth mother was apparently born in North Carolina. I believe she was 19. My husband’s birth certificate says Kokomo Indiana. But some paperwork stated his birth place was Indianapolis Indiana. I was told that the adoption took place in Kokomo Indiana. The only facts that I do know are the age and birth place of the birth mother. The father seemed to be older but I have no clue where he is from. I believe the birth mother was residing in Indianapolis indiana at he time Bc he was said to be born there. The adoption is closed. We will not stop until we find her. We have resided in Indianapolis for yrs and there is no telling how many family members we have passed through tour those years. He has had several mistakable incidents in public where ppl chase him down thinking he was their nephew or cousin. The way a guy looked at him some yrs back really got to him. After the man realized that my husband wasn’t his nephew, he couldn’t believe how identical my he looked to his nephew. This could just be a coincidence. \\\\nEither way, we want to know who his parents are. We want to just see your face and actually see ppl that look like my husband and our children. He had a good life but unfortunately everything is a s secretive and taken personal. So we have jut a age and birth place. I think the adoption agency was through a church or some ministry in Kokomo Indiana. Also, we tend to focus on Mom we want Dad too! That would be a dream come true. My husband would be so happy. I don’t even think our kids know he was adopted. I don’t think I’ve ever said anything. Welp, hope I haven’t said too much. I just pray that God sends these two angels to this website to see that someone is desperately searching for them.

Registered: June 20, 2018

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