
Registrant Mary C Hiegert is a birth mother looking for her son. The adoptee was born in Texas in 1980 on September 19th. He was born Baby Boy Puskarich in Austin in Travis County to 19 year old birthmother Mary Catherine Maxine Hiegert (maiden name Puskarich). Marywood maternity and adoption handled the adoption. His adoptive name became John.

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Texas Adoption Record: # 101479

Birth Mother looking for Adoptee
Mary C Hiegert

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Baby Boy Puskarich
Adoptive Name: John
Date of Birth: Sep 19, 1980 at 2am (now 43 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Austin city, Travis county, Texas USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Mary Catherine Maxine Hiegert (Puskarich)
Born: Dec 30, 1959 (now 64 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Other

Birthfather's Info
Name: Eric Lee Reynolds
Born: Mar 21, 1960 (now 64 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 18
Religion: Catholic

Born at Hospital: Seaton
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Marywood maternity and adoption

Additional Info
my son had his adoption "birthday" ceremony on Oct 3rd 1980 in Austin Texas. his adopted father was tim and mother Gail. he was a Air Force psychologist and she a registered nurse. they adopted a baby girl as well after my son. my son had healing issues, learned to swim at 8mos and loved a red toy fire truck. at 9 years of age i was contacted by Marywood asking about hyperactivity in the family. "John" W. is very intelligent, dark hair and both birth parents 6ft. his adopted mom and dad were polish and both quite short. they owned property in a northern state at the time. the dad hobbied with stereo equipment. I have a auto immune disease and have passed it on i'm afraid. sister Anna Lee was running Marywood on 26th st in Austin when i lived there. my son was born at Seaton hospital in Austin. i left a letter at the agency to be given him on his 18th birthday but he did not agree to meet. Marywood closed in 2004 i think and was run by the daughters of charity/Catholic sisters of charity. I've been advised that no records were saved but have to wonder. there are no other children born to my family or his birth father's family. requested a adoptive family that would not move much but found later john was moved frequently and no doubt had troubles in school. i am still in the austin area while his bfather is in Atlanta now. i have a DNA profile on 23andme. my mother on ancestry and his father on one of those or both since 2019. his adopted last name started with a W\nand was long and spelling was unsure. perhaps wabbiblagger.

Registered: September 13, 2020

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