
Registrant Sue Demaso is a biological sister looking for her sister. The adoptee was born in Georgia in 1978 on December 25th. She was born Alma Maria Cross in Americus in Sumter County to 34 year old birthmother Mary Helen Cross (maiden name Kirksey). Dooly County DFACS handled the adoption.

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DEMASO results at - more than 1.5 billion records
Mary Cross records at
Mary Kirksey records at
Melvin Cross records at
Georgia Adoption Record: # 15749

Biological Sister looking for Adoptee
Sue Demaso

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Alma Maria Cross
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: Dec 25, 1978 (now 45 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Americus city, Sumter county, Georgia USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Mary Helen Cross (Kirksey)
Born: Mar 3, 1944 (now 80 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 34
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Melvin David Cross
Born: May 22, 1956 (now 67 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 22
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Sumter Regional Hospital
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Dooly County DFACS

Additional Info

I am in search of finding my sisters. They were adopted out before i was ever born so they do not even know I exist. I was also put in a foster home for 4 years and then my uncle (moms brother) took me in. Our mothers name is Mary H. Cross and our deceased fathers name is Melvin D. Cross, we are all Caucasian (just to say that because there are 5 sets of Cross). Mother now has Dementia and is wanting to find them with me. I do not know much about my sisters but here is what I can tell you about their birth….

Alma Maria Cross born Dec 25, 1978 in Sumter Regional Hospital, delivered By Dr Gatewood Sr. Alma was removed from our parents at the age of 2-4 and placed in a foster home in Cordele, GA. Her foster parents called her “Amy”

Theresa Mae Cross born November 13, 1980 in Dooly County Georgia. She was placed in the same foster home as Alma at 6 months old. Foster parents called her “Tessa” or “Tessla”.
I was born in Dec 1982.

I was able to speak to the the foster lady but it was long after my sisters were adopted to another family. She has pictures of them but I have since forgot the foster parents names. I believe her name was Jo Ann or something like that. She was living in Cordele at the time but said she was gonna be moving. This same family also fostered my cousin, Larry Cross and he still resides in Cordele GA.

The morning of adoption Court, my mother was in the hospital for yellow johndis and was unable to appear at court. My father and grandmother was there and told me my sisters left in a black town car with a Roswell County GA license plate. I’m assuming they were the new family that adopted them. I have spoken with the judge in Cordele GA that placed my sisters up for adoption and he was gonna open the records free of charge if I could just give him the adoption last names- – I did not know them and still don’t. I have contacted many Talk shows on TV and have even wrote to the government asking for help in finding them. I have talked to the head people in Atlanta and they said they can’t waive the $300 fee and if I don’t find them the money’s not refundable. I am a mother of 4 and now an only child since they were adopted out. I need closure. My kids need to know they have aunts. So many unanswered questions, and broken hearts that are missing them to mend it back together. Please if anyone can help, please email me at . May God Be with you. I Pray for a reunion and the strength for me to carry on until I find them. AMEN

Registered: January 27, 2011

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