
Registrant Jeff Vawter is an adoptee looking for any of his birth family. The adoptee was born in Michigan in 1974 on May 18th. He was born Christopher in Trenton in Wayne County to a 17 year old birthmother. Catholic Social Serivces of Wayne C handled the adoption. His adoptive name became Jeffrey James Vawter.

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Michigan Adoption Record: # 35515

Adoptee looking for Any Birth Family
Jeff Vawter

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Christopher
Adoptive Name: Jeffrey James Vawter
Date of Birth: May 18, 1974 at 5:45 am (now 49 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Trenton city, Wayne county, Michigan USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: 1957 (now 67 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 17
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: 1955 (now 69 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Seaway Hospital
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Catholic Social Serivces of Wayne C

Additional Info
Jeff is 41 years old. He is of Mexican & Puerto Rican descent. He was born on 5-18-1974.
His mother did not want to give him up, but she was 17 and her mother passed away. So, she did not have the help of her mother. Her father was unaware of her pregnancy until the hospital called him to let him know his daughter was in labor.
Unfortunately, it became necessary to put him up for adoption through Catholic Social Services in Wayne Co. Michigan.
He was adopted on 10-30-1974.
His city of birth is listed as Trenton, MI and he was born at Seaway Hospital.
His father was 19 at the age of Jeff's birth.

Other things we know:
When baby Jeff (he had a different birth name) was checked in at Catholic Social Services, it states that at 4.5 months of age he was 26in. and 18lb. 3oz. and this was completed by J.A. Johnston MD of Ford Hospital on 10/9/74.
We also have a document stating that the birth was via C-section and the labor lasted 8hrs.45mins.
His Probate Court #50408-Vawter, the Deputy Register of Probate was Millard P. Burgeson.

We also have a written letter (assumed to be from the family & written by the grandfather or mother) of baby Jeff's daily routine.
They made his food themselves in the blender, except for the oatmeal which they buy Gerber brand (because Gerber contains no sugar). Also, they stated for some reason that it was necessary that he miss a meal, they would give him egg nog or an extra bottle (skim milk). They would also put him in 3 diapers for sleep at night.
They recorded a lot of firsts, here are some;
reached & played w/paper on 9/28/74
tears 10/10/74
and pic taken at 4 months.

We thought these particulars may stand out, that is why we added them.

New information we have learned as of 2/6/16...
Jeff was admitted to agency care and placed in a foster home on 5/24/74.
Jeff was born at 5:45am weighing 7# 6.5oz. and was 19.5 inches long.

Birth Mother:
She was born in 1957 in MI. She is of Mexican descent. She stood 5'2' tall. She has dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a medium-dark skin complexion. She wears glasses due to being near sighted. She was a senior in high school and a 'B' average student. It was her hope to attend college. She liked to knit and do needlepoint. Her general health was good. No history of serious illness or allergies of any kind. She is of Catholic faith.

The Maternal Grandparents:
The grandfather was 51 and born in TX. He is of Mexican descent. He was described a short in stature and rather husky build. He has black hair, dark eyes and a med-dark complexion. He had a 10th grade education and is an electrician. He is a widower and of Catholic faith. He was unaware of the pregnancy until he was called from Seaway hospital when his daughter was admitted in labor.

The grandmother was of Mexican descent. She passed away at the age of 35 from an aneurysm on the brain. She was born in MI. She was 5'2' and weighed 125#. She had brown hair, brown eyes and a medium complexion. She was a high school graduate and of the Catholic faith.

The birth mother has the following siblings;
A brother was 21, single and in college
A sister was 19, single and in college
A brother was 15, and in 10th grade
They were all in good health.

Birth Father:
The information was provided by Jeff's birth mother.
He was 19 and of Puerto Rican descent. He is 5'3' and weighed 125#.
He has brown hair, brown eyes and a dark complexion. He recently married a cousin of Jeff's birth mother. There was no information on his education or employment. As far as Jeff's birth mother knew, he was in good health. He is aware of the birth, yet not involved in the planning.
There is no information relative to the paternal grandparents or siblings.

Reason For Placement:
Your birth mother had decided on an adoption plan for you. She cared very much for you and she had a difficult time making this decision. She stated that she was not ready to assume the responsibilities of parenthood. Since her mother passed away, she had no support in helping care for you, as she desired to finish her education.

Your birth mother voluntarily released her parental rights to you on 10/23/74, in Wayne County Probate Court. Her father signed as Guardian Ad Litem. The rights of your birth father were terminated on 10/23/74 in the above court. You were placed in your adoptive placement on 11/22/74. The final order of adoption was signed on 12/22/75, in Wayne County Juvenile Court.

Thank-you for your active help and prayers.
It has been 41 amazing years with his family and Jeff is now ready to meet his birth parents with the support of all of his family.

Registered: November 9, 2015
Updated: February 6, 2016

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