
Registrant Kimberly Molinski is an adoptee looking for birth mother. The adoptee was born in Florida in 1974 on September 9th. She was born Unknown Unknown Unknown in Jacksonville in Duval County to birthmother Unknown Unknown Unknown (maiden name Unknown). The Children's Home Society of Flor handled the adoption. Her adoptive name became Kimberly Ann DuPuy.

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Florida Adoption Record: # 12567

Adoptee looking for Birth Mother
Kimberly Molinski

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Unknown Unknown Unknown
Adoptive Name: Kimberly Ann DuPuy
Date of Birth: Sep 9, 1974 (now 49 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Jacksonville city, Duval county, Florida USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown Unknown Unknown (Unknown)
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown Unknown Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital:
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: The Children's Home Society of Flor

Additional Info
I am searching for any information regarding my biological family. My birthmother is said to have been in her early teens when she delivered me. She was known to have weighed about 125 and was 5'5" tall. Shad had straight reddish blonde hair, blue eyes and a fair complexion. She was of the Ptotestant faith. She had completed the ninth grade and planned to return and graduate. It is said she loved swimming and horse back riding. Maternal Grandmother: Was in her late forties, 5'4" tall, blonde hair, blue eyes and fair complexion. She was a homemaker and enjoyed reading and handiwork. Maternal Grandfather: Late forties, 6 ft tall, weighed about 200 pouds, blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair complexion. He was a store manager. He also enjoyed fishing and watching fottball on tv. There are two brothers to my biological mother. One is said to have been in his late twenties, 5'10", red hair, blue eyes, fair complexion and of heavy build. He has a high school education and was in the armed forces. He loved flying. The other brother was said to have been about 8 years old. Tall for his age and slender. He too had red hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. There were two sisters to my biological mother. The older of the two died when she was in her mid twenties. She was 5'9 and of heavy build. She did not complete school because of illness but she enjoyed reading. She had a fever of 105 as a young person and later developed psychomotor epilepsy and heart occlusion. The other sister was said to have been in her early twenties, 5'7", and of heavy build. She too had red hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. She completed high school and was employed as a civil service worker. She enjoyed sewing and homemaking. My birthfather is said to have been in his early twenties, 6'1" tall, and about 150 pounds. He had black wavy hair, blue eyes and an olive complexion. He completed the 8th grade in school and worked at semi skilled jobs. He enjoyed working on cars. No information about my birthfather's parents. He is said to have had a sister who was a couple years older than he. She was said to have been 5' 6" and about 130 pounds. Black wavy hair, blue eyes and an olive complexion. She had a high school education but her occupation and interests are unknown. My biological mother was said to be in good physical health. She wore glasses for reading occasionally. Maternal grandfather and maternal aunt also used reading glasses. This grandfather also has "soft" teeth. A maternal uncle was allergic to ant bites. Maternal grandmother is believed to have had asthma. Another grandmother, who was in her late seventies was diagnosed borderline diabetic. A grandfather had a coronary in his sixties. An uncle was on medication all the time for bronchitis. Another uncle had tuberculosis, which was cured. A great grandmother had breast cancer. My birthmother gave birth to me on 9/9/74 if my records have not been doctored/amended. I was 7 lbs 3 ounces and 19 inches long at birth. I was placed for adoption at birth but stayed in a foster home or Buckner Manor until Valentines Day 1975. My adopted parents were Loren Woodrow and Janet Louise DuPuy. They had a son who was 11 years old. The Children's Home Society of Jacksonville, FL handled the adoption process. The case worker's name was Helen Ferguson. The judge who finalized the adoption on 10/15/1975 was John S. Cox. My adopted mom recently passed away on the 3rd of February and I was really hoping my biological mother would want to know me. I do not want to disrupt any one's life I just want to know who I am and where I come from. I am having a lot of medical problems right now and I need to know more medical history. Please if anyone knows anything about me please contact me.

Registered: February 27, 2010

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