
Registrant Eli Lambert is an adoptee looking for birth father. The adoptee was born in District of Columbia in 1972 on March 19th. He was born Eli Nathaniel Lambert in District of Columbia County to 19 year old birthmother Donna Jean Lambert (maiden name Lambert).

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District of Columbia Adoption Record: # 14884

Adoptee looking for Birth Father
Eli Lambert

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Eli Nathaniel Lambert
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: Mar 19, 1972 at 5 AM (now 52 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Unknown city, District of Columbia county, District of Columbia USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Donna Jean Lambert (Lambert)
Born: May 17, 1952 (now 71 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Ely (possibly E Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: George Washington Hospital
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency:

Additional Info
My mother, an 18 year old girl at the time, met a man in 1971 while she was living in a commune outside of Canton, OH. He was tall and blonde, and had a haircut growing out of a crew. Because this was unusual in those Hippie days, my mother asked him about it, and he said that he was AWOL from the Navy because he didn't want to be shipped to Vietnam. My mother said he was a kind and gentle man, and they fell in love. After some time he decided that he would be safe to visit his family, which my mother believes was in Colorado. Ely (or possibly Eli as my name is spelled) said his heartfelt goodbyes, and promised to return for her. My mom promised that she would wait for him.
Unfortunately circumstances forced my mother to go back to her hometown of Washington, DC. Her sister had left a suicide note, and my Grandmother was out of her mind, begging my mom to come help. My mother came back to DC to find her sister Debbie, and help her deal with the issues that brought her to such a level of despair. My mother is always caring for others selflessly like this. She is the most empathetic and giving person that I know. And did a wonderful job as both mother and father to me.
As it happens, she found Debbie and talked her through her problems. Debbie is still alive and well to this day because my mother reached out to her. About this time, my mother found out she was three months pregnant. This ended her plans of going back to the commune to wait for Ely to return. To this day she believes that he came back to find her. In those days, and in that setting, people didn't use their last names. So he had no way to find her. For that same reason, I have not been able to find my father. I am now 38, and a successful physical therapist living on a beautiful resort island in Northwest Washington State. I know my father would be proud of me. I want nothing from him, but to be able to see my eyes in his. Plus I might have brothers or sisters out there. What a joy to be able to meet them, and connect with a sibling. I am my mother's only child.
My mother never married, though she is a beautiful woman with a lovely soul. I believe it was because she was so in love, and the loss of that love was so hurtful. She must have loved him, she named me after him.

Despite being raised fatherless, my childhood was a very happy one. Though my father wasn't there, my mother said only the most complimentary things about him, and she truly believed that if he knew about me, he would love a chance to be part of my life. So I had the freedom to think of my father as a wonderful person, despite the fact that I never knew him.
I just have to believe that though my information is sparse, there can only be so many men named Ely (or Eli) that were AWOL from the Navy at that time. The closest Naval training base would be Naval Station Great Lakes. I just don't know how to go about finding that information.
...can you help me find my family?

Registered: October 11, 2010

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