
Registrant Holly Minko is an adoptee looking for any of her birth family. The adoptee was born in Michigan in 1966 on December 1st. She was born Helen in Detroit in Wayne County to a 18 year old birthmother. Catholic Social Services handled the adoption. Her adoptive name became Holly Ann Zarka.

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Michigan Adoption Record: # 39942

Adoptee looking for Any Birth Family
Holly Minko

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Helen
Adoptive Name: Holly Ann Zarka
Date of Birth: Dec 1, 1966 at 9:20 pm (now 57 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Detroit city, Wayne county, Michigan USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: 1948 (now 76 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 18
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: 1941 (now 83 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 25
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Holy Cross
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Catholic Social Services

Additional Info
Hello, I am searching for my birth family. I have hit so many road blocks, I am turing to you for help.
*I have my DNA test on file at and and I was able to bulid my 'DNA Tree' as I found a second and third cousin (Mother and Daughter) through 23andMe who gave me a little bit of their family history/family tree. Using that information along with DNA hits I was able to start building my 'DNA Tree' in Ancestry but I seem to find more dead ends than potential leads and cannot make contact with any closer relatives so far.
*I have my Non-ID Information in PDF form and in a word document that can be copied and pasted, I am willign to share if it helps with the search. It is lengthy at 3 pages long. Here are a few things from that document:

*Birth Info: DOB-Dec 1, 1966, Holy Cross Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. Name give at birth was Helen.

Birth Mother: Born in 1948 (18 y.o. at time of birth) in MIchigan. Polish descent. Roman Catholic. My BM gave me up because my birth Father wouldn't give her $1,000 a month in child support or marry her. Instead by her account he went straight to hiring a lawyer when he learned about the pregnancy, determined to deny paternity at all.

Maternal Grandparents: both born in 1917, in Michigan. It is said my Grandfather was a drunk and my Grandmother was eccentric.

Siblings: Birth mother was of three children. A brother, 24, lived at home and did not know of the pregnancy. Another brother who died at the age of 18 in 1962 in a motor cycle accident.

Birth Father: 25 years old. Danish descent. Possibly worked for his Father.

With the help of friends and other users I do have some good leads on Ancestry still to explore. I think I may have found my birth father by narrowing down the more distant genetic matches. I tried to contact a few people in the exteded family via Facebook and Twitter with no success but cannot find ancestry information on my father himself although I feel he is still alive from the little I know in public records. I have theroires on potential surmanes for my birth mother by attempting to match personal details from the court file to old newspaper clippings. I have not been able to conncet to any of these leads to any of the DNA testing.

I feel that with better training on how to analyze this information there must be a way to fit these puzzle pieces together. I continue to search daily through online newspaper archives, Google, and

I would be so grateful if anyone would be willign to help me in my search.
-HollyRegistered: June 1, 2016

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