
Registrant Caitlin Williams is an adoptee's spouse looking for any of her birth family. The adoptee was born in Texas in 1966 on April 17th. His adoptive name became Kenneth Wayne Williams.

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Texas Adoption Record: # 85434

Adoptee's Spouse looking for Any Birth Family
Caitlin Williams

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Unknown
Adoptive Name: Kenneth Wayne Williams
Date of Birth: Apr 17, 1966 (now 58 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Unknown city, Unknown county, Texas USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital:
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency:

Additional Info
I am actually looking for my father's birth family so i am the adoptee's daughter but it did not allow that selection. We know very little information other than my father was left at a hospital in texas with my grandmother, India williams named as his mother. From my understanding , there was never a legal adoption. He was born in April 1966. He was taken back to Hobbs, New Mexico where my grandmother lived and owned a business. We do believe his biological mother was a nurse

Registered: June 25, 2018

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