
Registrant Kelly Rondeau is an adoptee looking for any of his birth family. The adoptee was born in Minnesota in 1964 on December 14th. He was born Gary Wesley in St. Paul in Ramsey County to a 17 year old birthmother. utheran Children’s Friend Society o handled the adoption. His adoptive name became Mark Bernard Manzow.

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Minnesota Adoption Record: # 86964

Adoptee looking for Any Birth Family
Kelly Rondeau

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Gary Wesley
Adoptive Name: Mark Bernard Manzow
Date of Birth: Dec 14, 1964 (now 59 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: St. Paul city, Ramsey county, Minnesota USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 17
Religion: Lutheran

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Lutheran

Born at Hospital: Booth Memorial
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: utheran Children’s Friend Society o

Additional Info
Birth Mother\\nYour birth mother was born in the year 1947 in Minnesota. She was 17 years old and single at the time of your birth. Her family home was in the metropolitan area. She lived at home with her family for most of her pregnancy. She moved into a girls’ home at the end of November, 1964. She did receive prenatal care. Most of her pregnancy services were coordinated by her county human services agency. That agency made a referral to Lutheran Children’s Friend Society of Minnesota for your placement with an adoptive family.\\n\\nYour birth mother was 5 feet 7 inches tall and about 150 pounds. She had a medium build, hazel eyes, and dark brown hair. A caseworker indicated, “She is a very attractive girl and makes a pleasant appearance.” She was stated to be in good general health. She had mumps, measles, and chickenpox as a child. She was of German heritage and Lutheran faith.\\n\\nYour birth mother completed the 11th grade in June of 1964. She received average grades. She was involved in pep club, an acting group, and sang in the school choir. She attended school at the girls’ home to keep up with her studies. Her stated plan was to transfer to a technical school after you were born.\\n\\nBirth Mother’s Other Children at the time of your birth:\\nYou were documented to be your birth mother’s first born child.\\n\\nBirth Mother’s Mother\\nShe was 38 years old at the time of your birth mother’s pregnancy. She was in good health. She was not a high school graduate. She was employed outside of the home doing factory work. She was about 5 feet, 4 inches tall, with brown hair and green eyes. She was described as a quiet person who did not take an asserted role in the family and let her husband make family decisions. She was of German heritage and Lutheran faith. \\n\\nBirth Mother’s Father\\nHe was about 38 years old at the time of your birth. He was described as about 5 feet, 9 inches tall with a stocky build. He had black hair and brown eyes. He was stated to be in excellent health. He completed two years of college. He worked for a publishing company as a machinist then a law enforcement officer. His hobbies included hunting, fishing, and working on cars. He was interested in old time music and was learning how to play the concertina. He was of German heritage and Lutheran faith. \\n\\nBirth Mother’s Siblings\\nBrother, 15. He was a sophomore in high school. He was about 5 feet, 5 inches tall with a slender build. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He had the usual childhood illnesses, but was in good general health. He enjoyed swimming and track, as well as boxing, hunting, fishing, and lawn mower repair. \\nBrother, age 13. He was in the 7th grade. He was about 5 feet tall with a stocky build. He had light brown hair and brown eyes. He was stated to be in excellent health, also having had the usual childhood diseases. His hobbies included building model trains, ships, and airplanes, as well as playing hockey, football, and scouting. \\n \\nSister, age 9. She was in grade school. She was of average size with light brown hair and light brown eyes. She was in\\ngood health and enjoyed playing with other children. \\nSister, age 7. She was in grade school. She was of average size with brown hair and brown eyes. She was in excellent health and enjoyed playing with other children. \\n\\nOther Family Members:\\nYour birth mother’s maternal grandmother passed away at age 56 from a heart attack. Her maternal grandfather passed at age 62 from pneumonia. She had eight maternal aunts and uncles, all in good health.\\n\\nYour birth mother’s paternal grandparents were both 70 years old and in good health. She had eight paternal aunts and uncles, all in good health. \\n\\nThe record does not clearly indicate your birth mother’s family’s level of awareness about her pregnancy.\\n\\nBirth Father\\nAll information received by the agency was provided by your birth mother during her Health and Social History Interview with the social worker. She did provide his name, but his birthfather status would be alleged because there was no formal adjudication of paternity.\\n\\nYour birth mother indicated that she met him about six weeks before she became pregnant with you. When she told him of her pregnancy, he reacted very negatively. This reaction changed her feelings toward him. She stated this was the main reason she felt she needed to make a plan for adoption.\\n\\nYour birth father was born in 1945 in Wisconsin. He was 19 years old and single at the time of your birth. He lived in the same area as your birth mother. He was of average size, had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and was described as a rather good-looking boy. He was of Norwegian, Irish, and Native American (Tribe not specified in record) heritage and Lutheran faith. He was in good health, generally. His level of education is not specified, but it is noted that he struggled in school. He was noted to be good at mechanics and had an interest in music.\\n\\nYour birth father and his siblings were committed to state guardianship in 1959 as neglected and dependent children. He was in a number of foster homes and boys’ homes. He was noted to have some trouble with the law.\\n\\nBirth Father’s Other Children\\nYou were noted to be your birth father’s first born child.\\n\\nBirth Father’s Mother\\nShe was 50 years old at the time of your birth mother’s pregnancy. She was born in North Dakota. She was of Norwegian heritage and was baptized Lutheran. She was stated to be in good health. She attended school through the 7th grade.\\nShe was mainly employed as a waitress and was stated to have done quite well at this work. She was noted to be a short, attractive woman of medium with brownish-red hair and blue eyes. The record indicates she came from a very difficult upbringing in which she suffered sexual abuse by her father, who was incarcerated for the offense.\\n\\nBirth Father’s Father\\nHe was 51 years old at the time of your birth. He was born in Michigan. He was of Irish and Native American (Tribal information not specified) heritage. He was baptized in the Catholic Church. He was thought to be in good health. He had no formal schooling and was employed as a laborer. He served in the military briefly. He was described as a short man of medium height and weight with very dark hair and eyes.\\n \\nBirth Father’s Siblings\\nSister, age 20. Described as an attractive girl of medium build, with brown, curly hair and brown eyes. She married a man several years her senior shortly before the other children were committed to state guardianship so she would not be committed. She had a child from this marriage and divorced shortly after. Her level of education is not stated, but it is indicated she struggled in school.\\nSister, age 18. Described as an attractive girl of average build with blond hair and blue eyes. She had no known health problems. Prior to being committed to guardianship, she had two children. She chose adoption for one child and chose to parent the second. She completed the 10th grade and did general factory work. She had some trouble with the law, but at the time seemed to be doing fairly well.\\nBrother, age 12. He was noted to be of average size and weight with dark curly hair and brown eyes. It is stated that he did quite well since the commitment to guardianship and benefited by the action.\\nSister, age 5. Described as an attractive little girl with blondish-red hair and blue eyes. She was of average size for her age. She was noted to be a leader in school.\\n\\nThe family had another group of children who were permanently removed in another state (boy, age 26, boy, age 17, girl, age 14). There were also two children who died in infancy, one in 1939 and one in 1958.\\nThe girl, age 14, is Brenda Bailey\\nIt is unclear from documentation if any of your birth father’s family members were aware of your birth mother’s\\npregnancy.\\n\\nOther Family Members of Birth Father\\nNo further information was reported.\\n\\n

Registered: August 22, 2018

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