
Registrant Brittanie Sidebottom is a member of the birth family looking for adoptee. The adoptee was born in Indiana in 1960. He was born Phillip Clifford to a 16 year old birthmother with the maiden name of Rider.

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Vickie Rider records at
Thomas Clifford Sr records at
Indiana Adoption Record: # 111005

Other Birth Family looking for Adoptee
Brittanie Sidebottom

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Phillip Clifford
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: 1960 (now 64 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Unknown city, Unknown county, Indiana USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Vickie Sue (Rider)
Born: Jun 27, 1944 (now 80 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 16
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Thomas Clifford Sr
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 18
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Floyd Memorial New Albany IN
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency:

Additional Info
I’m looking for my uncle whom was placed for adoption at birth. His birth name is Phillip, but it could have been changed by his adoptive parents. His birth mother Vickie Sue Rider (my paternal grandmother) was 16 when she had him. He has 4 brothers, 1 daughter, and a bunch of nieces and nephews who want to meet him and get to know him.

Registered: September 4, 2023

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