
Registrant Heidi Rhodes is a biological sister looking for her brother. The adoptee was born in Ohio in 1958 on November 23rd. He was born Samuel George Rhodes to 24 year old birthmother Carol Ann Rhodes (maiden name Greenho). Red Feather RedFeather handled the adoption.

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Ohio Adoption Record: # 104870

Biological Sister looking for Adoptee
Heidi Rhodes

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Samuel George Rhodes
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: Nov 23, 1958 (now 65 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Unknown city, Unknown county, Ohio USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Carol Ann Rhodes (Greenho)
Born: Jul 7, 1934 (now 90 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 24
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Samuel George Rhodes
Born: Mar 8, 1939 (now 85 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: 97th Gen. Hosp. Frankfurt, Germany
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Red Feather RedFeather

Additional Info
I am looking for my half brother. He was adopted in or around Canton, Ohio by the Red Feather or RedFeather Adoption Agency after January of 1962 (the date of the divorce). From what I understand the name of the agency has since changed to Applewood Centers Inc and still operates out of Cleveland, Ohio and they now provide a variety of services in addition to adoption/foster. My brother was born in Frankfurt, Germany November 23rd 1958 (we have his baptism record with the date of birth on it) because our father was in the military and was stationed there. There were two kids actually, Cindy and Sammy Rhodes (on baptism record as Samuel George Rhodes Jr.) born to Sam Rhodes (Samuel Rhodes or Samuel G. Rhodes or Samuel George Rhodes) and Carol Greenho (Carol Rhodes or Carol Ann Rhodes or Carol Ann Greenho). Cindy and I have connected and are looking for our brother. We also have found four other brothers and sisters by way of Carol, Sammy is the last one we are all looking for. Cindy and Sammy were supposed to be adopted together, but Cindy remembers being at the orphanage with Sammy and him getting adopted before her so we know this wasn’t the case. I am the only subsequent sibling from Sam’s side, I was born 22 years later after our father remarried. When Carol and Sam married she had a son from a previous relationship named Dean, she had Cindy next, then Sammy, and there was actually another baby, a girl, that she became pregnant with when our father was stationed in Germany (& she was not there with him) and that was the catalyst for the divorce. The baby was born before the divorce was finalized and was named Ziva or Zeva, but after connecting with some of the other siblings I have found out that she was not "officially" adopted but was raised by someone else within the family and her name is now Betsy. In birth order, my understanding is- from oldest to youngest- Kim (born first and adopted first before Sam met Carol), Dean, Cindy, Sammy, Betsy, and Eric. All from the same mom, Carol, but different fathers. I technically am the youngest, but I don’t share a mother with any of them, just a father with Cindy and Sammy. Sammy if you are out there, you have many siblings who love you very much and desperately want to find you!

Registered: June 13, 2021

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