
Registrant Lynne Lebrun is an adoptive relative looking for any of her birth family. The adoptee was born in Quebec in 1944 on October 26th. She was born Marie Lise Madeleine Possibly "Aucla to a 21 year old birthmother with the maiden name of Auclair. La Creche d'Youville handled the adoption. Her adoptive name became Marie Madeleine Gail Brisson.

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Quebec Adoption Record: # 112269

Adoptive Relative looking for Any Birth Family
Lynne Lebrun

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Marie Lise Madeleine Possibly "Aucla
Adoptive Name: Marie Madeleine Gail Brisson
Date of Birth: Oct 26, 1944 (now 80 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Unknown city, Quebec Canada

Birthmother's Info
Name: Marie Agnes Catherine (Auclair)
Born: Nov 7, 1923
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 21
Religion: Catholic

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 25
Religion: Catholic

Born at Hospital: Royal Victoria
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: La Creche d'Youville

Additional Info
Father was in the military. They dated for 2 years. Mother didn't have any news of the father after the 5 month gestion. Financially, the mother couldn't support the child. The only information provided about the father was that he was 25 years old, 5'10 and 170lbs. Was well educated, caucasion, catholic and French Canadian.Baby was born on Oct 26.1944 at Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal. Placed for adoption on June 26. 1945 at La Creche d'Youville and was adopted on July 15. 1945 by adopted parents Albert Brisson and Christina Welsh of Montreal. Marie Lise Madeleine was baptised on Nov.28.1944 at the Paroisse Saint Jacques le Majeur, Cathedrale Marie- Reine- de Monde on 1085 rue de la Cathedrale, Montreal, Quebec...then documents was changed to Marie Madeleine Gail Brisson. From the same parish. Quebec birth certificate enscription number 1194404192061

Registered: June 10, 2024
Updated: June 11, 2024

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