
Registrant Thea Schoepfer is an adoptee looking for her biological birth sibling. The adoptee was born in Florida in 1964 on January 15th. She was born in Miami in Miami-Dade County to 19 year old birthmother Patricia Ann Daugherty (maiden name Cadorette). Children's Home Society handled the adoption. Her adoptive name became Thea Maria Schoepfer.

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Florida Adoption Record: # 33766

Adoptee looking for Birth Sibling
Thea Schoepfer

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Unknown
Adoptive Name: Thea Maria Schoepfer
Date of Birth: Jan 15, 1964 (now 60 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Miami city, Miami-Dade county, Florida USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Patricia Ann Daugherty (Cadorette)
Born: Jun 7, 1944 (now 79 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Charles Russell Daugherty
Born: Feb 15, 1944 (now 80 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital:
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Children's Home Society

Additional Info

Your birth mother was 19 years old at the time of your birth. She was 5 feet tall and weighed 88 pounds normally. She had dark brown hair, blue-gray eyes, and a fair complexion. She was of French decent. Her parents were divorced and had been since she was young. She grew up primarily living with her father and step mother.

She completed through the ninth grade in school and was a good student. She had brief work experience as a cashier and hoped to get another job after your birth.

Medical: She was in good health. She was treated for a breast abscess two years before you were born.


She was 42 years old at the time of your birth. She was 5’1” tall and weighed 95 pounds. She had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a fair complexion. She was a high school graduate and worked at a dry cleaning business.

Medical: She was in good health. It was reported she had epilepsy in childhood that had resolved.


He was 44 years old at the time of your birth. He was 5’3” tall and weighed 117 pounds. He had black hair, hazel eyes, and a fair complexion. He completed through the eighth grade in school and left to help support his family. He worked as a mechanic.

Medical: He was in good health.


Daughter: She was a year and a half old at the time of your birth. She was a normal healthy child. She had dark hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. She would be your full sibling.


Your birth father was 19 years old at the time of your birth. He was 5’6” tall and weighed 125 pounds. He had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a fair complexion. He was of French and Dutch decent.

He completed through the ninth grade in school and left to help support his family. He worked in janitorial services. He was mechanically inclined and was described as being a jack of all trades.

Medical: He had a heart condition that was not elaborated on in the file. He was healthy otherwise.


She was 46 years old at the time of your birth. She was 5’5” tall and weighed 130 pounds. She had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a fair complexion. She was a high school graduate and worked as a bartender.

Medical: No information available.


He was 63 years old at the time of your birth. He was 5’6” tall and weighed 156 pounds. He had brown hair which had grayed, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. He was a high school graduate and worked as a night clerk in a hotel.

Medical: No information available.


Your birth mother and father were married and had been since they were 15 years old. They wanted more for you than they could give at the time.

• DOB: 1/15/1964
• 40 weeks gestation. Normal healthy delivery.
• Birth weight: 5 pounds, 13 ounces.
• Length: 19 inches
• Head: 13.25 inches
I have since learned that my birth father died in 1964 after I was born. CHS found a small obit for him basically saying he is survived by his parents, brother, wife, and daughter. My birth mother was also confirmed deceased in 2013. CHS was unable to locate an obit for her. All I was told is she was 68, married, a cake decorator, and she was cremated

Registered: July 6, 2015
Updated: November 1, 2015

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