
Registrant Christy Hedgcorth is looking for her biological birth sibling. The adoptee was born in New York in 1958. He was born Michael Joseph Singleton in Watertown in Jefferson County.

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New York Adoption Record: # 27950

Biological Sister looking for Birth Sibling
Christy Hedgcorth

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Michael Joseph Singleton
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: 1958 (now 66 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Watertown city, Jefferson county, New York USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital:
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency:

Additional Info
Hello, my name is Christy and I am writing to you in hopes that you can help me find my uncle who was put up for adoption many years ago. Truthfully, this request is not for me but for my mother. My mother has been searching for her brother for over 20 years with no luck. However she was able to gather a bit of information that could aide in a search. Unfortunately, my mother has become very ill. Her doctors state she only has about 5 more years left to live and I will do ANYTHING for my mom’s wish of meeting her brother to come true before she leaves this world. I am not sure if this is something you can help me with or not. But I figured it is worth a shot. Fairytales do happen on your show & I can’t think of another person more deserving for a miracle right now than my mom. Please help us make our family whole. For everyday he is out there is another day we miss out on. Please contact me as soon as possible to let me know if this is something you can help with. I hope to hear from you soon!


Christy Hedgcorth

Registered: June 17, 2014

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