
Registrant Xx Xx is an adoptee looking for any of his birth family. The adoptee was born in New York in 1958 on February 19th. He was born John Janeis in Queens County to a 20 year old birthmother. Spence-Chapin handled the adoption. His adoptive name became Jeffrey Holmquist.

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New York Adoption Record: # 32893

Adoptee looking for Any Birth Family
Xx Xx

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: John Janeis
Adoptive Name: Jeffrey Holmquist
Date of Birth: Feb 19, 1958 at 10:42 AM (now 66 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Unknown city, Queens county, New York USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: 1937 (now 87 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 20
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: 1935 (now 89 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 22
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Booth Memorial
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Spence-Chapin

Additional Info
I would like to know you, if you would like to know me, at whatever level of contact is comfortable for you. Here is what I think I know about my birth parents, though there may be errors: At the time of my birth, my birth mother was 20 years o1d (b ?-?-1937 ?). She is described as a 'white, single Protestant woman.' Her family's nationality background was Swedish. She was 5'7' tall, weighing 120 1bs., with a slender build, hazel eyes and brown hair, a fair complexion. She was born and raised as an only child in the Midwest and during the years prior to my birth she had been attending an excellent university in the Midwest. Up until fall, 1957, she had been enrolled as a senior in this school, where she was majoring in political science. Her father worked as a personnel manager of a large firm; and her mother was a school teacher until her mother's marriage. My birth father was 22 years o1d at the time of my birth. He is described as a single, white young man, with, hazel eyes and sandy hair, strong features. He stood 6'1' tall and weighed 165 lbs. He was described as an intelligent man who was attending his third year of college, at a well-respected, mid-western university. He also worked for his father's plumbing and construction firm. He was of German descent. My birth father and birth mother apparently met in 1954 and were engaged. My birth mother discovered her pregnancy during summer studies in the east in 1957, and set up residence in New York for the rest of her pregnancy. My birth parents were probably engaged, but there are indications that my maternal grandfather did not approve of my birth father. Again, there may be errors in this 'non-identifying' information. Birth weight 6 lbs.,13 oz, length 20' long, birth time 10:42 a.m. Labor: 9h 44 min. blue / hazel eyes and blond hair, present height 6'2' tall. Maternity home: Salvation Army. Attorney: Richard K Hooper? Caseworker: Jennie Goldberg. Placed in adoptive home: 3-?-1958 I have additional non-identifying information. DNA databases in use: 23andMe, FTDNA, Ancestry. Father is in 23andMe database (!) but have not been able to establish contact through the company's messaging system.

Registered: May 15, 2015
Updated: October 2, 2018

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